SECOLO intelligent tool removal
SECOLO checks who takes what away and when, and when it is returned, alerts in the event of loss and informs when something is being searched for.

Das SECOLO-Sicherheitssystem schützt Werkzeuge und Materialien auf Baustellen.

Außerdem sind sie immer über den aktuellen Standort informiert.

The Self Service Security System is the solution when it comes to secure tools and materials on construction sites! This is particularly worthwhile for very expensive tools and measuring instruments or those only available in small quantities, or for critical parts such as safety cards, master keys and hazardous materials.

With the right software solution in conjunction with SECOLO security containers, you not only prevent theft, but also gain efficiency. Expensive measuring devices or tools can be localised at any time and do not have to be available multiple times in the company to ensure availability. Your employees can easily coordinate with each other when and where the device is needed next.

The system also leads to an increased sense of responsibility among users by logging all events.


The SECOLO solution

  • Self-removal from storage by authorised persons only
  • Documented transfer of responsibility for the container with contents
  • Warning in the event of untimely storage
  • Theft monitoring in the warehouse
  • Theft protection on the construction site
  • Information on WHO took which container and WHEN can be called up at any time
  • Complete recording of all movements per container
  • The SECOLO security system works without mechanical keys
  • Lost RFID key cards can be blocked and replaced quickly and easily
  • Large selection from containment vessels to customised models

Advantages and benefits

  • Massive reduction in tool loss
  • Uncomplicated, high-quality theft protection
  • Overview list of current tool users
  • Quick clarification of inconsistencies through the recorded events
  • Possibility of discounted insurance premiums
  • Reduction of handling and control effort

Would you like to find out more about the benefits for your company?

Then talk to us! With more than 20 years of experience in electronic security and RFID technology, we are your competent partner! Our experienced employees and specialised trade partners are happy to take the time to work with you to develop the perfect solution. This lays the foundation for a successful co-operation.

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