SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001
Electronic lock with PIN keypad, RFID card reader, NFC communication, RFID tracking, long range identification and radio networking, as well as variable bolt technology.
SECOLO SL3001 / SL5001

Article description

Electronic container lock with PIN code keypad, RFID reader, RFID tracking, long range identification, patented locking technology and robust design, especially suitable for use in transport containers in intra- and extra-logistics.

The SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001 plays all the pieces and is the ideal lock for anyone who needs a large number of containers with high to maximum security for their assets. From the RFID card with PIN code to the dual control principle and localized unlocking with 1m2 accuracy in the building, everything is available.

  • Simple operation
  • Safe-Funktion ermöglicht Kunden den eigene PIN oder die eigen Karte anzulernen
  • Up to 900 data carriers can be authorised
  • Identification either by PIN, RFID card or RFID card + PIN
  • Each authorisation can also be assigned as a one-time PIN
  • Security levels like 2-person principle
  • Location-based access for unlocking
  • RFID tracking via marker technology
  • Battery life up to 10 years depending on application.
  • Designed for rough operation during transport (vibrations, temperatures, weather influences)
  • Easy to retrofit in existing containers
  • Sustainable thanks to long service life and extremely low energy consumption

The SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001 RFID security lock turns your containers, crates or boxes into genuine high-security containers.

Areas of application

  • For applications that initially need to manage with just a few containers and without software, but where it is foreseeable that the system will grow to such an extent that management via the SECOLO software will be unavoidable. Can be switched from offline or stand-alone operation to radio-networked operation.
  • The SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001 is used in all logistics applications due to its high scalability and the option of using an emergency PIN code in the event of card loss.

Product images

SECOLO SL3001 / SL5001
SECOLO SL5001-vorne-nah-rfid

Technical data

PIN keypad:


Card reader

Passive RFID data carriers ISO15693 and ISO14443; NFC communication

RFID tracking:


NFC interface


Long Range Identification:


RFID tracking:


Operating temperature:

-20°C to +60°C


Control unit: 79 x 90 x 20mm / Locking unit 125 x 82 x 38mm


418 g incl. batteries (control panel 88 g / locking unit 330 g)


Functions SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001

Functions for identification

  • User ID (1 to 12 digits)
  • User ID + PIN code (4 to 8 digits)
  • RFID data carriers (user cards, key fobs, wristbands)
  • RFID data carrier + PIN code = higher security
  • 2-person rule / 4-eyes principle
  • Standortbezogener Zugriffsregelung im Gebäude (Genauigkeit bis zu 1m2)

RFID tracking functions

  • Beacon signal: The electronic lock can periodically send its UID in a beacon signal.
  • Marker position detection: When the lock passes a marker field, it sends a position signal to the server via the UHF interface and generates an event booking that can be read out later.
  • Direction of movement: The marker technology enables the direction of movement to be recognised by a marker gate that contains two markers with different UIDs. The direction of movement can be determined via the sequence of the marker UIDs and other parameters.

Types of alarm

  • Lid open for too long: If the lid is not closed within a definable time, the lid open alarm starts.
  • Latch blockage: The lock cannot lock the container for some reason.
  • Battery warning: The battery will soon be empty and must be replaced.
  • Gate alarm: The alarm-active container moves into an RFID field with gate alarm function.
  • Zone alarm: If the alarm-active security container is removed from the RFID monitoring zone without authorisation, the lock triggers an alarm.

Alarm signals

  • Acoustic: A loudspeaker in the lock generates an acoustic alarm signal in the event of an alarm.
  • Radio signal: In the event of an alarm, the lock sends radio signals that are transmitted to the SECOLO software via the AP1000 access point. E-mails can be sent to the relevant persons or the alarm can be easily forwarded to a security centre.

Data transmission from and to the castle

  • Access rights via wireless interface, NFC or RFID card
  • Configuration via wireless and/or NFC interface
  • Events (alarms, openings, ...) are stored in the lock in a non-volatile memory and can be read out via the wireless or NFC interface.
  • Firmware update via wireless interface

The SECOLO system


Click to see the animated version

Sustainability label

Good for the environment

The SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001 is not only intelligent, safe and efficient, but also sustainable. Our products are trimmed for energy efficiency and durability right from the development stage. The mechanical construction and the selected components are solidly designed and guarantee smooth operation over many years. For example, the battery of a SECOLO lock can last over 10 years, depending on use, and the lock mechanism can even last up to 20 years. This all contributes to reducing the ecological footprint and is in line with contemporary sustainability efforts.

For the SECOLO Smart Lock SL5001, as with all other products, the focus is not only on recycling, but above all - LONG USE - because a long service life is the guarantee for maximum profitability, maximum conservation of resources and low CO2 pollution!