Many companies live with so-called "shrinkage" during transport from the distribution centres to the shops or during transport within the production site. That doesn't have to be the case! The SECOLO system has reduced customer shrinkage to zero.
It is about protecting information on paper or electronic data carriers, avoiding unauthorised copies, preventing integrity violations on the transported goods or clearly regulated access, exclusively by specialist personnel, at precisely specified locations and with defined security requirements. The SECOLO system offers solutions for this!
Questions for which FMTec provides the right answers. We develop and produce electronic locking systems for access protection, monitoring and localisation of moving goods of all kinds.
The globally unique SECOLO system combines clever locking technology with the advantages of M2M communication and modern software. Our products document all movements, accesses and alarms and guarantee you proof of compliance with the specified processes. Your advantage when it comes to implementing the new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)!
Discover the possibilities for your applications!
You'll see - you won't find a better solution for your mobile security.
Intelligent RFID locks with integrated RFID long range and tracking technology protect valuable or sensitive goods in any transport containers.
The industry solution for setting required security levels, managing access rights, controlling and monitoring processes and analysing events.
Always informed about the current position of your security containers - including route storage and alarms.
Ready-to-use, secure transport containers with a permanently installed RFID security lock ensure maximum security against theft, burglary or unauthorised access during transport or on the construction site.
Intelligent RFID locks
for asset security in logistics
Ready-to-use, secure transport containers with a permanently installed RFID security lock ensure maximum security against theft, burglary or unauthorised access during transport or on the construction site.
Never lose track! With FMTec's GPS trackers, you can monitor your vehicles, goods and valuables in real time using our tracking software. Our reliable and precise tracking system ensures that you always know where your assets are.
Rely on our many years of experience and state-of-the-art technology to keep your goods and vehicles safely in view at all times.
Contact us now for a personal consultation and find out more about our GPS tracking solutions!
The SECOLO system is not only intelligent, safe and efficient, but also sustainable. Our products are optimised for energy efficiency and durability right from the development stage. The mechanical construction and the selected components are solidly designed and guarantee smooth operation over many years. For example, the battery of a SECOLO lock can last over 10 years, depending on use, and the lock mechanism can even last up to 20 years. This all contributes to reducing the ecological footprint and is in line with contemporary sustainability endeavours.
With our SECOLO logistics safety system, the focus is not only on recycling, but above all on LONG USE, because a long service life guarantees maximum profitability, maximum conservation of resources and low CO2 emissions!
Unsere elektronischen SECOLO RFID-Sicherheitsschlösser sind speziell darauf ausgelegt, perfekt auf Ihre individuellen Sicherheitsanforderungen abgestimmt zu sein. Jedes Schloss bietet einzigartige Funktionen, die genau die Lösung bieten, die Sie brauchen.
Zusätzlich eröffnet das SECOLO-System mit seiner breiten Palette an Zusatzgeräten maximale Flexibilität: Egal ob einfache Absicherung oder komplexe Sicherheitsanforderung – wir haben die passenden Lösungen, um jedes Szenario zuverlässig abzudecken.
Laden Sie jetzt die vollständige Funktionsübersicht unserer SECOLO-Sicherheitsschlösser herunter und finden Sie mühelos das perfekte RFID-Schloss für Ihre Anforderungen!
The different models of the SECOLO Smart Lock enable solutions from simple to the highest security requirements to be realised. Which security level is used is configured in the lock.
The container lid lock is monitored. If it remains open for too long after opening, the lock generates an acoustic alarm, sends alarm signals by radio and saves an alarm event.
If the gate alarm function is activated in a lock, an audible and a radio alarm are generated as soon as the container enters the field of an alarm marker gate! Only authorised persons can deactivate the gate alarm function.
If the zone alarm function is activated in a container, an audible and radio alarm is generated as soon as the container leaves the monitoring zone! Only authorised persons can deactivate the alarm function.
The unique marker technology enables the direction of movement to be recognised
of containers and thus the automatic triggering of further process steps.
The SECOLO Smart Lock can be set to continuously emit a beacon signal. This enables tracking on long range technology bases.
By reading "message cards" on the SECOLO lock, status messages can be transmitted to the SECOLO software or to the logistics application, which then trigger the corresponding process steps. Up to 200 different messages are possible.
The SECOLO Management Centre makes it easy to manage people and their data.
locking rights. User-friendly interfaces make configuring the container locks and analysing the events child's play!
The software has a modular structure, which takes account of the different dimensions of the systems on the one hand and ensures future expandability on the other.
Authorisation management regulates who is allowed to unlock which containers. The specification of the identification method (with and without PIN, dual control principle, etc.) plays an important role here.
manages the various container types and their specific settings in terms of locking behaviour, group membership, RFID tracking, alarms and much more.
The SECOLO Business Logic Core consists of several levels.
The integration of the SECOLO system into existing applications is an important factor for us. We see ourselves as part of an overall system in which our technology fulfils the requirement for
fulfil! We are happy to create customised interfaces for open data exchange with other systems.
Alarms can be forwarded via e-mail, SMS, LAN interfaces or relay outputs so that they can be processed separately in a third-party application.
The system status is always up-to-date in the SECOLO Management Centre. Higher-level systems can retrieve it if required.
In combination with the infrastructure devices, the SECOLO Smart Lock creates new possibilities in the areas of security, logistics processes and error prevention, as well as reducing costs and increasing efficiency! We have listed some of these examples here:
Click to see the animated version
A marker creates an RFID field whose size and shape can be adjusted. Markers are attached at selected points. When the bin enters the marker field, the lock creates a booking and sends the information to the server by radio. The position of the bin is available online and the route can be traced. For example, the arrival of containers on the loading ramp can be automatically reported to the responsible department!
If a container moves through a marker lock, the lock detects both marker fields. From this, the direction of movement for each container can be determined in the server. To give an example, this enables computer-aided error prevention by sending an acoustic warning signal directly to the SECOLO Smart Lock if a container that is not registered for dispatch is pushed through the lock onto the loading ramp.
A marker is positioned at the delivery entrance so that each transport container enters the marker field when it is brought through the entrance. The lock sends a message to the server via the access point, which checks whether this container may be delivered here. If the container belongs here, the server releases the roller shutter. If the container does not belong here, the door is locked and the lock emits an acoustic alarm.
A locked SECOLO security container is taken to a video-monitored unloading point. To prevent the container from being unlocked at another location, no cards were issued to the employees.
The security container enters the marker field, recognises it and sends a message to the server. The server checks whether the contents of the container should be unloaded at this point or not. If the goods are to be removed at this point, the server sends an unlocking command to the lock and the security container can be opened. If required, the SECOLO system can send the container number to the video system so that it is displayed in the recording. If the goods cannot be removed at this point, the server sends the command for an alarm signal to the lock. A screen could display what to do with the container.
It is possible to make the locking authorisation dependent on a location. This means that a chip card with locking authorisation can only trigger unlocking if the container is located in a precisely defined marker field! This ensures that the security container can only be unlocked in the correct spatial environment. External parameters, such as door locked, exhaust air switched on, etc., can also be integrated. This can be particularly important when transporting hazardous goods.
Mechanical emptying requires reliable, secure and remote-controlled unlocking. The SECOLO Smart Lock has the most reliable locking technology on the market, as it is the only battery-operated lock in the world that always unlocks reliably when 600N (approx. 60kg) of pressure is applied to the lid from the inside. The RFID localisation function with the marker and AES-encrypted radio communication enable reliable detection of the container location and secure, remote-controlled unlocking.
With SECOLO, safety containers can be emptied reliably and safely in zones where people have no access
The SECOLO system offers a wide range of peripheral devices and accessories that can be used for any application to make the overall system even more user-friendly and efficient.
RFID data carriers (cards, key fobs, wristbands, etc.)
The SECOLO system is very flexible when it comes to RFID data carriers. Whether card, key fob or label is completely irrelevant, only the RFID chip must comply with ISO standards 15693 and 14443. The data carriers can be authorised at the lock by loading them into the lock or writing them onto a card.
Desk Reader DR1356M
The RFID read/write device for adding data carriers to the system, assigning them to authorised persons and writing master or system cards.
SECOLO Access Point AP1000
The AP1000 access point is the bridge between the lock and the LAN / WLAN or GSM network to enable communication with the server. The proprietary protocol paired with highly secure AES encrypted data transmission in a dedicated frequency band not only ensures optimum communication, but also guarantees that hacker attacks on the IT system are ruled out.
SECOLO Smart Terminal STE2301
The STE2301 Smart Terminal is currently used as an update station for master cards to extend their authorisation period, but also as an information terminal for changing room lockers or depots in shared workspaces with free locker selection.
Marker 2125 and Marker 3125
The marker generates a low-frequency RFID field via the connected coil, which can be detected by the SECOLO Smart Lock. The Marker 2125 has the antenna coil integrated in the device, while a coil can be connected to the Marker 312, which makes it possible to cover an entrance area with a floor loop.
The Smart USB hub enables multiple USB read/write devices to be connected to a LAN and accessed via the cloud.
SECOLO Service Tool ST1000
The ST1000 service tool offers the option of supplying a lock with power if necessary, so that unlocking with an authorised card is possible even if the batteries are flat. This device can also be used to determine whether a marker field is present or not.